About Us

About Scarlett’s Closet

  • Scarlett’s Closet was founded in memory of Scarlett Fountain,  who lost her battle with cancer at 21 months old.
  • Scarlett’s Closet is a 501c3 non-profit based out of Columbus, Georgia.
  • Our Mission is “Being the hands and feet of Jesus to parents of hospitalized children.”
  • Our Primary Purpose is to provide support to families whose children are hospitalized due to emergency situations through the provision of:
    • Care bags containing personal care items
    • Financial support when possible
    • Staple food items
    • Emotional/Grief Support
Scarlett FOuntain


Scarlett Renee Fountain was born on August 9, 2009. She is the granddaughter of the founder of Scarlett’s Closet, Lisa Fountain. Scarlett was a bright and happy child who enjoyed tea parties, twirling and dancing, playing with her baby dolls and weekend spend the night parties with Lisa, and her husband Mark, who Scarlett knew as her ‘Meems and Pops.’

In late March of 2011, Scarlett began to experience discomfort in her neck and her pediatrician thought perhaps she had pulled a muscle. He had prescribed physical therapy for her that was to begin on Monday, April 11th. On Saturday, April 9th, Scarlett began to run a fever.

She was taken to the emergency room and a CT Scan was performed which indicated

that Scarlett had a mass in her neck area and needed to be transported to Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta- Egelston.  A biopsy of the mass concluded that it was malignant and after tissue was sent to Boston, it was determined that the type of cancer Scarlett had was a rare and aggressive cancer and that chemotherapy needed to begin immediately.

Despite the many efforts made to save this precious child’s life, she made her journey to her eternal home in heaven on Friday, May 13,2011. Her legacy lives on through Scarlett’s Closet. She has impacted more lives since her passing than most people do in an entire lifetime.